Better sync’ing for Printable WeRelate

Printable WeRelate now will synchronize all ‘starting-points’ pages (i.e. any page with a <printablewerelate> element), rather than being required to have just a single page listed on the command-line. This means that a cron job just needs to call sync.php at some interval (maybe nightly? of course, at some unusual number of minutes past the hour), and everything will be brought up to date.

This change is now available on the test site.

I’m now working on the display of the data within the wiki. Including the addition of a notice (maybe just a template call: something like Template:WeRelate page) to the effect that “this is a copy of a page from and should not be edited. All changes should be made at [url].” to send people back to WeRelate. Probably also actually prevent the editing of the synchronized pages.