Hami Hill to get a real café?!

Probably not worth getting excited about yet, but it’s heartening to see that something might be done with the shops on Winterfold Road one of these days! They’ll have at least one grateful customer, here.

<img src="http://samwilson.id.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Fremantle-Herald-2012-06-16-page-2-Hamilton-Hill-article.png" alt="" title="Fremantle Herald 2012-06-16, page 2, Hamilton Hill article" width="777" height="865" class="aligncenter" />

(From the <a href="http://www.fremantleherald.com/cockburn/" title="Yes, tomorrow's edition">Cockburn City Herald</a>, Saturday June 16th 2012, page 2.)