Linking Commons to Trove


· Wikimedia · Wikimedia Commons · Trove ·

I've been working on linking Commons items to Trove. It's not complicated, on the surface, but of course once you get into it things get more annoying. I'm trying to just figure out the basics, and not get too deep into the weeds.

Basically what we want is for every file on Commons, that has been sourced from an institution that's aggregated in Trove, to have a P10044 statement ('Trove Work ID'), and for that to be displayed in the |source= parameter of the Information template. But we also want to say which library (etc.) it came from, and to link to that library's catalogue (because that's where the actual image file is stored). This means, I think, that we'll want to stick to the SLQ, SLWA, SLSA, AWM-image, etc. templates that have institution-specific information and links, and just add a simple line to those that explains that the file's metadata is also on trove and what its ID there is.

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