Providing Services from a Syfony bundle


I'm trying to add a service in a redistributable Symfony 4 bundle. The docs say it is just a matter of loading the service configuration in the bundle's Extension class. For example, for the GoatBundle:

class GoatExtension extends \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Extension\Extension {
    public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container) {
        $configDir = dirname(__DIR__).'/Resources/config';
        $loader = new YamlFileLoader($container, new FileLocator($configDir));

Where GoatBundle/Resources/config/services.yml looks like this:

  factory: [ '\Factory\For\InjectedClass', serviceFactory ]
    - '@service_container'

But this results in:

There is no extension able to load the configuration for "Name\Of\InjectedClass" (in GoatBundle/Resources/config/services.yml). Looked for namespace "Name\Of\InjectedClass", found none

I went around and around in circles until I realised that I was simply missing the top-level services key in services.yml! It needs to be like this:

    factory: [ '\Factory\For\InjectedClass', serviceFactory ]
      - '@service_container'

I'm only writing it all down here because it was only by this rubber ducking that I saw the problem.

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