
Reading is not writing. Nor is it code. It might be book collecting! But it's hoped that acquisition of books is for good reasons, and keeping them is because they're useful or sentimental. Rarely is it worth buying or selling them for reasons related to their market value, I think. This site catalogues 26 of my books.


See also Special:CargoTables/books.

Image Details Authors First published acquired from currently reading
The Railway Adventures Geoff Marshall; Vicki Pipe 2018 No
The Card Catalog The Library of Congress 2017
Perth David Whish-Wilson 2013
People of the Book Geraldine Brooks 2008
Dreaming in Code Scott Rosenberg 2007
Everyman's Rules for Scientific Living Carrie Tiffany 2005 No
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance 1974
Room at the Top John Braine 1957 No
The Heart of the Matter Graham Greene 1948 No
The Fortnight in September R. C. Sherriff 1931 No
Fathers of Men E. W. Hornung 1912 No
Where Angels Fear to Tread E. M. Forster 1905 No
Dad and Dave Steel Rudd 1899 No
A Puritan Bohemia Margaret Sherwood 1896 Yes
The Nether World George Gissing 1889 No
Our Fathers, by Andrew O'Hagan Andrew O'Hagan
And What Do You Do, Mr Gable?, by Richard Flanagan Richard Flanagan No
A Ticket To Ride John Chalmers
History of West Australia by W. B. Kimberly Warren Bert Kimberley
Rails Through the Bush Gunzburg, Adrian; Austin, Geff
Doctor Thorne Anthony Trollop Yes
Stepping Off Thomas M. Wilson
Beyond the Equator
Arrowsmith Yes
The Countryside Companion Tom Stephenson Yes
Fremantle Hospital: A Social History to 1987 Phyl Garrick and Chris Jeffery No

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