Storing emails with Thunderbird

· software · email · Thunderbird ·

I really do like Thunderbird. It's such a great email client, and having actual local software feels like such a rare thing these days. I think my favourite features are

  1. local folders, so I can store email actually where I want (and sync it into Nextcloud… but that's another story); and
  2. one-button automatic annual archiving (select emails, hit `a`, and they're moved to year-named folders on my local disk).

The one thing I don't like at the moment is that I can't easily switch to Maildir (from Mbox) as the storage format. I've only ever, in 22 years of paying attention to this sort of thing, had a problem. But that did annoy me, that one time that I got a corrupted email folder! (Actually, I haven't really looked at the state of Thunderbird's Maildir support recently, so I'm probably way out of date on this.)

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