· Freotopia · meetups · Wikimedia ·

The first meetup for about six months happened today, at the museum cafe in Perth. There were five of us there; a few regulars missing and no newcomers. We talked about Freotopia/Freopedia/FreoWiki a bit (and related things). It seems that the general feeling is that Freopedia was a project that's now finished, and that to resurrect the name and use it for a new website might not be the best idea. There's also some great ideas about how Wikimedia Australia might support people who use MediaWiki in Australia — I think that stuff is a bit exciting, so will try to do more with it.
The cafe is a reasonable place for meetups, big enough and not super noisy, although you do have to avoid the pigeons that are flying around indoors a bit. It's corporate enough for us to not feel bad about taking up space for too long.
So I'll carry on with preparing the Freotopia pages for import (the file import is running now, should be finished soon). Just a few more hacky regexes to sort out.