Freo skin for MediaWiki


· MediaWiki · skins · Freopedia · Wikimedia ·

I've been working a bit lately on Freopedia, and have started building a new MediaWiki skin for it. I just want something very simple. I'd go with any of the existing ones, but it's nice to have different sites looking different I think. I've also been wanting to experiment with putting things in the menus that make most sense to me — I've never really understood why we have 'page information' next to 'upload file'. I'm putting all "per page" actions together in a page menu, and all "whole of site" actions in a site munu. The user menu stays pretty much the same (user page, log in/out, preferences, etc.). The page information and Cargo page data links will sit along with edit, move, delete, etc.

I'll get around to setting up mw:Skin:Freo soon. Once I've convinced myself this isn't all a bit silly.

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