· URLs · Fremantle · libraries · identifiers ·
The Fremantle History Centre (who have dropped the 'Local' from their name) have a fine home page at
(a sensible URL). Their image database is at
(a silly URL), and search results take you to items' pages at URLs such as,1
where they proclaim their 'bookmark link' to be
(again, silly) where that RNI is the 'record number' of the item. There is also a 'reference number' that is not present in the URL but which is the far more common ID for these photos because it's often present in the actual scan.
(Books on the other hand have a BRN, and URLs like
but that's a task for another day.)
There doesn't seem to be any way to link to a record by the reference number, unfortunately. The advanced search doesn't have anything.
So it looks like we'll do best to record both the reference and record numbers, and hope that whatever new database system they're going to move to next will work with one of those.
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