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iOS Shortcuts for WordPress Bloggers, by Kris, 2 January 2025:
You may have noticed I’m posting a lot more lately. It’s partly because I’m not working, plus a bit of conscious effort… plus a couple effort-saving shortcuts I’ve set up.
In the past, I used to share images to Instagram and then had an IFTTT applet run to post those images to WordPress as blog posts. I wanted to flip that model and instead first post to my own site, and THEN have the option of sharing to Instagram or other social networks. The solution I’ve landed on is to use an iOS Shortcut as a Share Sheet action. That means I take a photo, click the Share button, and then click the Post with Pic shortcut.
It's a small thing perhaps, but I do think that making it quick to create a post is an important part of any blogging set-up — and can help with the feeling that blogging is "too hard" or that it's just quicker to use social media. (There was another post I saw recently about why it's good to host your own stuff, but weirdly I can't find it again now.)
My main RSS news feed:
(or Wikimedia.rss, Fremantle.rss, OpenStreetMap.rss, etc. for topic feeds).
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