View table: photos

Table structure:

  1. image - String
  2. date_taken - Datetime
  3. date_taken_timezone - Number
  4. date_taken_granularity - String
  5. author - Page
  6. description - Wikitext
  7. location - Page
  8. coordinates - Coordinates
  9. license - String
  10. privacy - String
  11. keywords - List of Page, delimiter: ;
  12. commons - String

This table has 764 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page image date taken date taken timezone date taken granularity author description location coordinates license privacy keywords commons
Bill Campbell's bookshop in High Street (edit) Bill Campbell's bookshop in Hight Street.jpg 2018-06-01 11:09:00 AM +8 exact Sam Wilson Fremantle CC-BY-SA Bookshops Fremantle
009 Sign burning.png (edit) 1975-01-01 12:00:00 AM year Ron Wilson

Ralph burning a no-trespassing sign in Menorca.

Menorca CC-BY-SA Fires Spain Menorca
191.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2007 2007-06-29 Casio F-91W.jpg (edit) 2007-06-29 12:00:00 AM
2007-05-31 mackennal back garden 1.jpg (edit) 2007-05-31 12:00:00 AM day Sam Wilson CC-BY-SA
2007-05-31 mackennal back garden 2.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2007-06-11 A-friend-and-a-coffee.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2007-06-11 After-turning-the-corner.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2007-06-11 Black-friendly-cat.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2007-06-11 Brick-boundary-box-thing.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2007-06-11 Foot-on-worn-lawn.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2007-06-11 Leaves-fallen-on-footpath.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2007-06-11 North-along-MacKennal.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2007-06-11 Round-bus-stop.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2007-06-11 South-along-MacKennal.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2007-06-11 Stencil-art.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2007-06-11 The-park-west-of-MacKennal.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2007-06-11 The-shops.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2007-06-11 Worn-corner-shortcut.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2008 04 nikon d60.jpg (edit) 2008-04-01 12:00:00 AM
2008-05-27 the view from my ibm desk.jpg (edit) 2008-05-27 5:07:00 AM 8 exact CC-BY-SA
2008-05-28 manning clark building ibm tuggeranong.jpg (edit) 2008-05-28 12:00:00 AM +10 day Sam Wilson
2008-08-29 The Bunker Pipe.pdf (edit) CC-BY-SA
2010-06-26 1512 Old power station.JPG (edit) CC-BY-SA
2010-06-26 1530 Near the top of the hill.JPG (edit) CC-BY-SA
2010-06-26 1532 South Fremantle rubbish dump site.JPG (edit) 2010-06-26 3:32:00 PM 8 exact Sam Wilson CC-BY-SA South Fremantle
2010-06-26 1634 Quiet bit of bush in the gully just to the south of the new extension to Spearwood Ave.JPG (edit) CC-BY-SA
2010-06-26 1644 Damp and quiet between the railway and Watsonia.JPG (edit) CC-BY-SA
2010-06-26 1651 Watsonia factory, the old buildings and garden.JPG (edit) 2010-06-26 8:51:00 AM 8 exact Sam Wilson

The old buildings and garden bed at Watsonia.

CC-BY-SA Watsonia Spearwood Signs Fences
2010-10-09 1435 Our room.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2010-10-09 1441 View from the bunks.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2010-10-10 1117 Currawong pergola.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2010-10-10 1137 Rain.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2010-10-10 1231 Judy Small.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2010-10-10 1959 Smashing Bumpkins.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2010-10-11 0936 Currawong-1024x768.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2010-10-19 1900 RMS cropped.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2010-10-19 1914 David Clarke ACS WA chairman.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2010-11-13-0953 35969509441 o.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2010-11-13-1128 35969511231 o.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2010-11-13-1134 35969513241 o.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2010-11-13-1150 35969515061 o.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2011 12 carnival.png (edit) 2011-12-31 12:59:07 AM +8 exact Sam Wilson CC-BY-SA Reading Compton MacKenzie Penguin Books Book spines
2013-09-13 1349 A log in the creek at Conspicuous Cliffs.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2014-05-17 0905.jpg (edit) 2014-05-17 9:05:00 AM exact CC-BY-SA
20160308 172940.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
20160308 182953.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2017-01-06 Possible handles 2.jpg (edit) Sam Wilson CC-BY-SA
2017-01-06 Possible handles.jpg (edit) +8 Sam Wilson CC-BY-SA
2017-01-06 Shellac bag label.jpg (edit) 2017-01-06 7:38:00 AM +8 exact Sam Wilson CC-BY-SA
2017-01-06 Shellac gone wrong.jpg (edit) 2018-01-06 3:39:00 PM +8 Sam Wilson CC-BY-SA
2017-01-06 Shellacing.jpg (edit) 2018-01-06 7:39:33 AM +8 exact Sam Wilson CC-BY-SA Woodworking
2017-01-06 Workshop.jpg (edit) 2018-01-06 9:35:50 AM +8 exact Sam Wilson CC-BY-SA
2017-07-19 1040.JPG (edit) 2017-07-19 2:40:14 AM +8 exact Sam Wilson CC-BY-SA
2017-07-19 1043 1.JPG (edit) 2017-07-19 2:43:16 AM +8 exact Sam Wilson CC-BY-SA
2017-08-07 Stickley library table through-tennon.jpg (edit) 2017-08-07 -5 day
2017-11-04 1404 Leeuwin compass, made and donated by Ashley Moon and the Stirling Mens Shed.JPG (edit) {{{date_taken_granularity}}}
2017-11-04 1423 C Shed sign above door, railway tracks in front.JPG (edit) {{{date_taken_granularity}}}
2017-12-24 Three-part ripping.jpg (edit)
20170807 102803 35590519874 o.jpg (edit) 2017-08-07 10:28:03 AM CC-BY-SA
20171228 181725.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
20171228 181750.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
20171228 181926.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
20171228 182002.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
20171228 182104.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
20171228 182212.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
20171228 182327.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
20171228 182549.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
20171228 182732.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
20171228 182852 HDR.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
20171228 182920.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
20171228 183031.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
20171228 183112.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
20171228 183138.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2018-05-21 1137 Graffiti near Park Guel.JPG (edit) {{{date_taken_granularity}}}
2018-07-24 Leaving Adelaide.jpg (edit) 2018-07-24 4:29:00 AM +10 exact CC-BY-SA Adelaide Planes Airports
2018-08-04 0730 Graffiti on a bus stop on Lefroy Road.jpg (edit) {{{date_taken_granularity}}}
2018-09-23 Princess May doors.JPG (edit) CC-BY-SA
2018-10-09 Fremantle civic centre demolition jaws.JPG (edit) {{{date_taken_granularity}}}
2018-10-14 Fremantle woolstores after conversion.JPG (edit) {{{date_taken_granularity}}}
2018-10-17 Fremantle Dog Beach.JPG (edit) 2018-10-17 8:54:00 AM 8 {{{date_taken_granularity}}} Sam Wilson Dog Beach Fremantle South beach Beaches
20180804 0804 Murdoch Station.jpg (edit) {{{date_taken_granularity}}}
20181104 135750 patching whiteant damage.jpg (edit) {{{date_taken_granularity}}}
20181104 141211 patch rebate close-up.jpg (edit) {{{date_taken_granularity}}}
20181227 115552.jpg (edit) 2018-12-27 7:55:52 PM -8 exact Sam Wilson

The first time I'd ever seen a Google car in the wild. Would be in San Francisco of course.

2019-02-23 10.17.50.jpg (edit)
2019-03-09 12.57.40.jpg (edit)
2019-07-12 1701 Fremantle Bowling Club stage.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2019-07-12 1726 Fremantle Bowling Club.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
2019-08-17 The Old Mill, roof renovations 1.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
20190119 131438.jpg (edit) +8 Sam Wilson Paths Berkeley Pine trees
20190119 132407 HDR.jpg (edit) +8 Sam Wilson Berkeley Oakland Trees
20190130 174751 HDR.jpg (edit) +8 Sam Wilson Wikimedia
20190222 170735.jpg (edit) +8 Sam Wilson
20190406 145637 HDR.jpg (edit) +8 Sam Wilson Bed Woodworking Pine
20190922 142435.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
20191004 183711.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
20191112 100301.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
20191113 221404.jpg (edit) -5 Sam Wilson CC-BY-SA
20191116 142736.jpg (edit) CC-BY-SA
