Dead Merch day


· Buffalo Club · Fremantle ·

I'm on my way to the Dead Merch Fair at the Buffalo Club, pausing for a coffee in the slight breeze at the front of Elske in the mall. I'm trying to get the last few Freopedia pages sorted for the archive items that are in the history exhibit, but somewhat getting sidetracked in adding info about Legacy in the 1960s. (It's not completely unrelated: I'd made a note of a bunch of documents that might be of interest for the exhibit, and not all of them are going to be used but it seems silly to chuck them back into the backlog without making notes of what's in them — insect-eaten corners, useful lists of names, etc.)

The forecast for today is 38°, and I don't know what the aircon situation is on the upper floor of the Buff.

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